Ive had this happen before and its not as bad as it looks. Spiders are quite docile so getting them out and resolving the issue is not too hard. So what you need to do is get some alcohol, a rag, a leaf blower and some matches. Soak the rag in the bottle of alcohol then dip it into the bottle ensuring the bottom of the rag is touching the alcohol. Then use your match to light the other end. Once the outside end of the rag is on fire you then want to throw that bottle against a hard surface in your home so it lights its immediate vicinity on fire. Then you can use the leaf blower to feed the fire. Ensure that you then run outside while flailing your hands and screaming like a little girl. To ensure this is more effective you must also build a wall made of vehicles in front of your home so it slows down any first responders as you want the fire to burn hot and for long.