i’m a nobody bronze player, with the recent changes to junkrat and the overwatch development team. I feel the game Is heading into a terrible direction, they are systematicly removing every single mechanical intricacy of every champion and with every new champion release further lowering the skill ceiling in this game. With no aim ability or mechanical ability champ releases I feel like overwatch has completely tailored the game to a select few slow players that have no place in the ladder the ability to climb the ladder. The reliability and quality of the matches from bottom to top is a complete joke. I have come to the conclusion that overwatch just wants it own game to die. For the foreseeable future I see no reason to improve my mechanics or aim because there are too many champions that require no skill or thinking to achieve gm with. I don’t game the ladder to climb and I rarely care about climbing. But with the game’s current direction I predict every player of any skill level above average leaving because worse players continually higher on the ladder because of developers mentality of giving everyone a handicap and I refuse to climb abusing the handicap. Why would anyone with any competitive drive play this game ? If they know they are going to lose to worse players playing point and click low skill low ability champion on the higher end of the ladder. Competitive overwatch in my opinion now is a complete joke and it’s laughable how all the changes in overwatch is further help these handicapped players