(Sorry for spelling and formatting errors-mobile)

King Kong has been confirmed to beat the ever living fuck out of godzilla, now to those who have seen the trailer, no it’s not because of king kongs axe you dumb fuck. Human technology will never be able to beat the lizard brain. Kong will beat godzilla for two main reasons 1 the main factor being that kong can go into a state, that the monks call “awakened ape”, an advanced state of being far surpassing the mode we humans call “going ape shit”. While on average we humans will never surpass our primal “ape shit mode” there are monks that spend decades trying to reach “awakened ape” However since king kong is a natural ape he can tap into this power with out the need of decades worth of training

Furthermore, unlike Godzilla’s poor excuse for arms, king kong has full Chad arms, bulging biceps, tantalizingly triceps, and beefy forearms, (no homo-sapian of course). These huge man handles launch kong into the are of too fucking strong especially paired with his past weapon “But OP you just said the axe wouldn’t do muuuch” as you say in a bitch voice. Well dumb fuck just because you have the forearms of a god and an axe doesn’t mean it’s your strongest weapon dip shit. Kongs strongest wepon is in fact le poo. Yes, le poo. As kong enters awakened ape he gains true clairvoyance and is able to get past our weak minded aversion to poop in order to turn his insides into a fucking all in one ammo factory, his fudge cutter makes more turd monkeys than we can keep up with. Kong will masterfully fallow the way of the gorilla and lob chocolate kongs at Godzilla’s lizard face not only dealing blunt force damage but also blind him and make the lizard unable to smell a true double wam-e. Not to mention kongs arm strength makes it so that when he lobs a funky baseball at Godzilla’s simp face the impact would be that of a thermonuclear bomb going of in Godzilla’s limp dick face causing a concussion to that tiny lizard brain