Fuck babies! I want to kick one so high he/she goes to wuhan China where he/she can get the coronavirus. And then at 420/69/6969 my baby becomes an unkillable cyborg and comes to get me. Me, my friend mr peanut, and Keanu Reeves, went to China with the gasmask and try to fight the baby. Lo and behold, baby works for EA and Todd Howard is controlling the baby. Mr peanut and I try to climb the baby, and in a tumble mr peanut fell himself to death. Rip mr peanut. Keanu tried to help me but fell himself again. All hope was lost, until I saw something in the distance. It was the gamer Henry Cavill! He came with the sword and his pc and finished this monstrosity. Win stupid games, play stupid prizes. Henry cavill was carrying baby Yoda and looked epic! It was wholesome 100 and sneak 100 and mike wazsoscki 100. So, was I the AITA?

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