well, you see, the reason for the 17th lao king rebellion in the yuan province was due to the perception that his imperial majesty, the jade celestial infinite star ancestor emperor hing shin XVIII had lost the mandate of heaven due to his debauched habit of filling pools with the blood of virgin women and rare wines.

so the warlord cuan dao rose in rebellion against the imperial forces, and his flying dragon faction defeated the crown prince chen shin at the battle of yellow pass, with casulaties estimated at about 17 million

…and 500,000 civilians eaten when the army ran out of supplies.

afterwards, the defeated emperor was punished for his debauchery by being executed via being tied to a hollow copper tube, which was heated from a fire below, causing the convected heat to melt the emperors skin off

thus began the prosperous dao dynasty, which ruled for 333 years until the year of jaded winter, in which the corrupt emperor zhao dao choose to pass the time by holding an infant killing contest, thus sparking the 72nd ling zing rebellion…