Now listen here you fucking backchatting, out of the rank, mei bae bitching bitch, sweaty spring roll fucking twat, unhygienic, stupid, nick nacking, unholy, I want attention syndrome, tryhard cunt. You have no soul like those cat bots of your’s. I don’t see any sign of emotion and yet you feel the need to bring in these bots for your satisfaction of seeing other players sweat and hyperventilate uncontrollably to the point where they can’t breath and almost on the brink on death. Now listen here, if you reply to this, then that means you are heeding my word. Most of the people that fight relentlessly against your cold-hearted bots have already possibly passed out from the anxiety, pain and suffering that you have caused them. And I am one of them. You may think this is utter bullshit what I’m saying. You bring in these bots because you are actually scared to actually play the fucking game how it was ment to be. So why don’t you take your external programs, burn them into discs and shove them up your fucking colon you fucking cock sucking bastard.