“OH YEAH well America also does stuff like that, China🇨🇳 is forced to be tyrannical and disregard basic human rights and enact terrible policies because otherwise how could they resist western imperialism Checkmate libtard, human rights are a western neo-liberal tool used to keep our glorious people’s republic down!!! WE never put any Uyghursi n concentration camps and if we did THEY DESERVED IT. MAO WAS RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING (except the things where he was wrong, but he admitted his mistakes later so it’s all well and dandy) Deng was also right about everything (ignore how I also simp for Mao who thought Deng should have been executed) HE WAS TOTALLY JUSTIFIED in making our economy a capitalist one (trust me bro, in 2134 china will press the socialism button and we’ll totally go back ) Now ignore Tiananmen square, that’s a total lie by western imperialism to make china look bad (despite the Tiananmen protest mostly being Maoist students protesting the Liberalization of the economy, whoops ) And ignore Hong-Kong, the majority of the population wants to have all their political rights taken away from them those protestors are just AmeriKKKan backed terrorists who want to destabilize our glorious one-party democratic state. And what we’re doing in Asia and Africa isn’t imperialism 😡😡😡 we’re just…uhhhh… Developing the productive forces!!……YEAH!!! Also, all those journalists that we killed were guilty of insulting our glorious leader. Anyways here’s a bunch of links to random websites that are all about 5000 words long and totally aren’t made by Chinese state-affiliated groups so that you will be overwhelmed by information and have no choice but to believe me enjoy you, stupid Anakiddie reactionary