My name is Yoshikage Kira, 33 years old. I lived in the villa area in the northeast of Duwang-cho, unmarried. I am at the turtle friend chain store. Work overtime every day until 8 pm to go home. I don’t smoke, the wine is only a taste. Sleep at 11 o’clock in the evening, sleep 8 hours a day. Before going to bed, I must drink a cup of warm milk, then do 20 minutes of soft exercise, go to bed, and immediately fall asleep. Once you see the dawn, never let fatigue and stress stay until the next day. The doctor said that I am normal. I just want to say that I don’t have the luxury of this person, I just hope that I can live in a very calm mood. “Winning and losing” and “winning and losing” are the things I don’t like most. Because, it will only bring “trouble” and “enemy” for myself… I am such a contented person, this is also my outlook on life. If you must do it, I will not lose to anyone.