dont talk about fight club my ass,
fight club is a movie released in 1999 about an insomniac office worker, who is never named but presumably named jack, touring a testicular cancer support group and eventually meeting a girl named marla singer. on a business trip, jack meets a flashy soapmaker named tyler durden, eventually forming an underground fighting club with him. slowly, tyler begins hiring people from the club to perform missions for an operation he called project mayhem. one of these missions leads to the death of jacks friend bob, which sends jack on a search to find tyler. however, after days searching for clues towards his whereabouts, he came to the revelation that tyler durden was a figment of his imagination and didn’t actually exist; it had been jack hiring these men all along. it was revealed to jack by a phone call with marla that tyler (or jack, same thing) had planted several explosives inside multiple financial buildings all throughout the city, and they were set to detonate in mere hours. jack attempts turning himself into the police but after learning the police officers were bribed by durden, he frantically ran towards one of the buildings, attempting to defuse them himself. while inside the building, tyler appears next to jack and knocks him out. as jack came to, he saw that he was tied up in front of a window high up inside the building, minutes before detonation. tyler announced his plans to destroy the economy, therefore creating a financial equilibrium and ending consumerism. after remembering tyler wasn’t actually real, jack focuses his mind into transporting tylers gun from tylers hands to his own. it worked, startling tyler. jack realised that if he tricked his brain into thinking he had committed suicide, it would mean tyler durden would die. jack then shoots himself in the cheek, wounding him but not fatally. he looked over to tyler, who fell onto the floor with a gunshot wound in the back of his head. suddenly, some project mayhem crew dragged marla singer into the room. they questioned jack about the wound in his cheek but refer to him as tyler. he ordered them to get out, leaving marla and jack alone. “you met me at a very strange time in my life.” jack remarked to marla as several buildings in the distance explode and collapse. hope you enjoyed my brief rundown.