spy kids 1 synopsis: junie and carmen find our their parents are spies, their parents get kidnapped, and the siblings flee from their home and decide to save them from the evil man floop who turns spies into monsters, floop is actually a victim and it was minion who was bad. the siblings save their family with the power of friendship and guns

spy kids 2: junie gets fired from his job at the OSS and then carmen assigns them to the mission shes wanted forever. they meet a man who makes the deepest quote in the franchise “you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he’s created”, he also makes very big scary mutant monsters. also these 2 other siblings’ dad is evil and wants to destroy the world. once again they save the day with the power of family and weapons

spy kids 3: junie retires from the OSS and his sister goes missing in a video game (Game Over). the game was created by an evil man imprisioned in the internet. he wants the minds of young children. Junie enters the game (its VR but ADVANCED) and meets up with the 3 bois: arnold: the strong one, Rez: the cool one, and francis: the smart one. He meets demetri in a meka battle (purple girl) and his grandpa’s there too. he convinces the bois that he’s “the guy”. demetri dies. they find carmen. Carmen takes the lead and wants to ditch the bois. Junie says me and the boys are not seperating. junie disproves himself as “the guy” when the real the guy shows up and dies a horrific death via lightning. demetri returns and is a bot that makes the game unwinnable. they escape the game and the evil man makes the game in real life with huge mekas. they save the day once again with the power of family, friendship and weapons.

warning spy kids 4 is absolute garbage
spy kids 4: we get new cast of characters theyre so forgettable i forgot their names. starts off with some random preg girl gonna have a kid and she fights a nightcore guy whos obsessed with time and puns. fast foward she has the kid and her stepdaughter hates her and the kid. the stepdaughter is gonna be called pranks and her brother is gonna be called deaf (hes deaf with hearinghelpers) she pranks her stepmom with cheese and steals the ***CHRONOS SAPPHIRE*** the ***CHRONOS SAPPHIRE*** is a magic bean that makes time go all wiblby wobbly timey wimey. they meet carmen. carmen tells that the OSS shut down the spy kids program. she no longer speaks of junie. LOTS OF PUNS LATER (and bad acting) (also they have a talking dog that never shuts up) they save the day because junie comes back and tells the nightcore guy his dad is dead and never coming back.