I destroyed some motherfuckers while playing roblox. They are 6 of course using free roblox admin. And I destroyed 7 of them with an ak47 a couple times. They probably use all of those shitty memes. They are always trying to kill me. Roblox toddlers, man. I like 2020 when there weren’t so many shit eating cock feeding dick sucking homosexual racist fuck faces online poor-shaming. Remember coffin dance? I remember in my old class we used to listen to that while doing fun activities and having parties and making friends.

And ugh that stupid shitty meme “grimace” is everywhere like the averaged goofy dick sucking 15 year old tiktok girls are like ”tOdA we ArE tRYiNg tHe ✨grImAcE✨ shake” \*proceeds to fucking die\*, Nobody gives a shit!

like i litteraly cannot see who the fuck asked. i have traveled the whole sea and cannot see who asked. i have ran across russia horizontally and have not seen a single person who asked. i litteraly have not seen who the fuck asked even after traveling the whole world into the ocean, and the desert, in antartica and so many other places. i do not see who even asked, and i will die if i found someone live in the action saying they care.

those memes are worse than stepping on a lego. those memes are worse than stepping on a pin. those memes are worse than being covered with dog shit. those memes are worse than cancer, because they are cancer. they are the stage 4 cancer spreading shit-sucking memes that only dumbasses created. they are worse than breaking your nose. they are worse than cracking your forehead open. they are worse than splitting your leg open with blood exploding everywhere and traumatizing little kids because those memes do traumatize kids, i do not give a fuck if i am exaggerating.

You fucking stupid overused comment users on youtuber, go fuck yourself and have gay sex with a turtle. Because you are an absolute piece of shit.

This is not copied, I wrote this myself to tell you dumbasses how much of a shit head you are being using these dumb memes and being a fatass poor-shaming random kids.