Chuuya is my religion and the Messiah, at least in my opinion. I worship him everyday as the Messiah, he’s my favorite bungo stray dogs character ever. He will forever be my favorite bungo stray dogs character and no one will ever replace him ever. Words cannot express how attached I am to Chuuya Nakahara. He is life, he is death, he is the rotation of the Earth. He is light he is darkness and everything in between. I will never be able to express how much I love him. No matter how hard I. He can do no wrong in my eyes. He is everyone’s religion no matter how much you don’t want to admit it. He is everything and he is nothing. There is nothing without Chuuya Nakahara. I don’t know how I lived before I found out about his existence . Anyone who declares that they do not like Chuuya , will be sent, not to, but below the fiery pit of Hell. Into the lowly Pond scum crevice, where they will be left to corrode and decay. They will suffer a merciless, slow, painful death. Forever hearing the Grievances, the wallowing and sorrow of their own mistake, because up to this point their only mistake was saying they dislike Chuuya Nakahara. Past this point, that is their only mistake. I don’t care what you did, you have been looked down upon by God himself which is also Chuuya , you’ll forever be punished with your sins. You will forever be reminded that your life was an error, this error has brought dishonor to whoever bared it. Your family will look upon you with a blood-drenched tears, as the Unholy demons Pierce they’re razor claws into your corroded skin, peeling last of it off Your rotted muscle and aching bones , they only wait to tear through them, tear through the bones and painfully suck out your bone marrow vigorously.