So some of you know about this already and a lot of you don’t, but this spring I’m starting my auto detailing business. When I got my first car I started washing and waxing it because I thought it was fun and exciting, and over the past 4 years I’ve continued to grow my interest for detailing into something that I am truly passionate and knowledgeable about. It’s taken a few months of planning to make sure I have everything in order but I’m finally ready to start offering my services. I wanted to take the time to make my facebook followers aware before I start advertising to a wider market which will probably occur within the next couple of weeks. I’d be happy to offer my services to any and all of you, so if it’s something that you’re interested in just shoot me a text, call me, or leave me a message on facebook. In the pictures are my complete contact information and the services I mainly offer (although this is not a completely exhaustive list). If you have any questions, about anything, or even just want my car advice without purchasing any of my services, feel free to ask! If you do want to purchase services, I’ll most likely give you a discount – most of you know me well enough that I consider you a friend, or you are family, and I believe a vehicle is an important thing in your life, almost an outward extension of you as a person. It makes you feel good and reflects well on you when you have a vehicle that is looking nice, and I want to help you with that. If you have any friends or family you know who you think would be interested in my services, feel free to let them know as well, I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks all for taking the time to read, and I hope you have a great day