If they play the national anthem at the start of a game of madden, do the computer controlled players kneel to keep the game realistic? Are CPUs with darker pixels making up their skin suffering because of it? Did some of the tiny dots in the virtual Washington crowd storm the theoretical capital? Was the theoretical Martian Luther King jr. programmed with a lower privilege stat? Are some of these stadiums built on top of battles from the civil war that was programmed into the history and lore of the game? Is this in the same universe as the NBA 2k or fifa games? Does the controller vibrate less from the crowd while shooting free throws because COVID cut down the attendance? Can my player theoretically get quarantined for not being customized with a mask in NBA 2k21? Are the developers of the games trying to create their own world where they can play god? Is this the goal of EA? Are they going to transmit their consciousness into the game? And finally, if we unplug the console and destroy it, could we morally justify it because we finally got rid of EA?