Hey there, fellow crewmates! We’re back with an exciting dev log about the latest update for Among Us. We know you’ve been waiting eagerly, so let’s dive right in!

First off, we’re thrilled to announce the addition of some spicy new options in the game. We’ve listened to your feedback and have included optional futa (futanari) characters for those who want to explore some new, uh, possibilities. We’ve also added foreskin customization, so you can now choose the level of realism you want in your gameplay. We know this might be a bit controversial, but hey, we’re all about pushing boundaries and giving our players what they want!

In addition to these new options, we’ve also made some updates to the gameplay mechanics. Among Us has always been known for its social deduction, but now we’ve taken it to a whole new level. Crewmates can engage in steamy interactions and even form alliances to complete tasks together. Impostors have some new tricks up their sleeves too, with seductive abilities to distract and deceive their fellow crewmates.

We understand that these changes may not be for everyone, but we wanted to give our players the freedom to express themselves in the game. We believe that diversity and inclusivity are important, and we’re committed to providing a fun and inclusive experience for all players. So get ready to explore the steamy new world of Among Us with the latest sex update!