Who here /memevision/? I literally cannot stop seeing memes everywhere I go. I started keeping a diary of all the memes I see throughout the day about a year and a half ago. It makes me so angry I can’t take it. I have a lot of personal issues but I never went to a therapist for it, but now I have to because of what happened thursday. All fucking day Chads and Staciess and just normies in general were memeing all over the place. It was about 7 buzzphrases in that I started to get dizzy in the shop. I started working really slow and a stacy came over to me and asked if I was alright. I hate this fucking question so much and I don’t know why so I just said I needed to go to the bathroom. I got so angry I threw up in the toilet and another coworker heard me and asked if I needed to go home, I said no I’m fine and went about the day. A few hours later the memes got even worse, and the customers started doing it, the Stacies at work started going off memeing out their asses and my heart started pounding and my head throbbed. I went out the back and my chest got tight and i felt like I had to gasp for air. I started crying and just rolled around on the ground til someone came out. They called the hospital when I told them I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t tell them anything at the hospital and acted really jovial and eventually they let me go after some talking about maybe seeing someone. Idk if that was a panic attacj or anxiety or what but fuck guys i have to get some drugs cuz i am not going through that again. This place should be taken down, people can’t discover this place.