“bonk go to horny jail” is so fucking unfunny. its absurd how so many people unironically post that stupid fucking image and think theyve hit the human peak of comedy. it’s not funny in the slightest, and not a single person is amused at it, unless they’re some 90 year old grandpa who laughs at every facebook meme he sees. i dont think people realize that its about as comedic as the average r/memes post. which, for reference, the comedy is generally based off some random marvel movie or star wars quote, coupled with some SUPER QUIRKY AND RELATABLE COMMENTARY ON ANXIETY OR HOW YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS! whenever i see “bonk go to horny jail”, i get the same feeling i do looking at the comments of r/yiff thirsting over an image of a real fucking pig that just rolled around in its own feces for fuck all. i swear to god you have to have such a severe degree of mental deficiency, every single person who has ever sent that image deserves to be locked up in solitary confinement with a straitjacket on them at all times. i guarantee that if you think its funny, you are this close to suicide because your emotional state is deteriorating to the point of no return, and honestly im all for you just leaving this plane of existence entirely. just fuck off and die already, you unfunny piece of shit. people like you are a complete waste of our limited nonrenewable resources on this planet, and i get the impression that your dumbass probably wastes them regularly, being extremely overweight and not exercising a day in your sad, abysmal life to change that. you are not funny, you never will be. on reddit you’ll always be a clinically insane karmawhoring piece of shit. on 4chan you’ll always be an extremely unfunny newfag. on discord you’ll always be the one guy in that public server that wants friends but never gets them and is driven to suicide because some strangers on the internet didnt want to be your friend (for very obvious reasons). no one loves you, and your jokes will never be funny. your mother has done nothing but regret your birth since the moment you came out of your stomach. you are so absurdly unamusing, news of your death would proliferate the planet and each and every human on this planet would cry tears of joy that you finally left this planet. i understand that you have self diagnosed anxiety and depression because you cry a lot to yourself about how no one loves you, and this is probably pushing you over the edge, so how about you cannonball off that ledge and do us all a favor? and dont even get me started on how unfunny cheems is by this point, im sure that my reasoning would be lost upon your fucking anime pfp having ass. i’m absolutely certain that you have nothing going for you in life, and the only thing holding you back from ending it all and actually contributing to society for once is your outdated, humorless “jokes” that not a single person other than you and maybe 2 other degenerates exactly like you find funny. please, just fucking end it all and actually help your self-perceived “‘friends”” for once. i say friends with heavy quotations because obviously, your “”friendship”” is nothing but one sided admiration of basic human skills like being able to actually make funny jokes, and socialize without bringing up your own personal issues and saying that your dad left for cigarettes and never came back (gee i wonder why). if i had to summarize all this, tl;dr: youre not funny, fuck off and jump off a cliff. you squander everything in your life and you’re a complete loss of actually valuable resources that other people who are much less fortunate and much more deserving of don’t have because of your complete misuse of time and energy. youre fake depressed with fake anxiety, and a psychiatrist would diagnose you with nothing but severe autism. just shoot yourself in the head and help others for once.