There’s a myth thats passed around that dates back to Ancient History about a Male God named Joe. Joe lived in the Heavens all his live searching for his Mother because he had one question to ask her once she was found. Joe has searched every inch of Heaven but one day made a decision. He decided to go down to Earth and begin a new search. Joe explores every Town, Village, Cave, and Ravine in search of his Long Lost Mother. Joe finds his Father mid search and asks him if he knows where his Mother is. He gives him the exact coordinates of her location and Joe starts his journey to his Mother. After 3 long months of traveling the Earth, Joe reaches his Mother. “Mother i’ve been searching for you years because I needed to ask you something thats been stuck in my head for eons.” Joe Said. “Ask it my child” His Mother says. “What’s our family name?” He asked. “Mama” She Responds. “So my name is Joe Mama?” He said. “Correct my son.” She Responds. With his journey and question fulfilled Joe Mama returns back to Heaven to rule over the Mama Dynasty. The myth today has returned in the form of a question, “Who’s Joe?” in which the other person would respond “Joe Mama.”.