To those who think I’ve finally “grown out of my trans phase”…

Yes, I have been presenting in a feminine manner. Yes, I have not been bothering to correct misgendering nearly as often, partially because I don’t really blame people (except for my very close family and friends) for responding to me that way given my feminine presentation. Yes, I have said truthfully that my need to transition is not currently as urgent as it is for some trans people, and that I am not, at this time in my life, ready for a second puberty.

That all being true, you ain’t seen nothin yet.

Have you ever considered that maybe. Just maybe. I’m femming it up as a last hurrah? Have you ever thought I might be gaming the system? Maybe I’m just the most convincing drag queen you’ve ever seen (I’m not, by the way, plenty are more convincing than I am).

What I’m saying is that I’m still a giant queer. I still identify as gender queer, I’m still bisexual, I’m still gender non-conforming and my chosen family culture is that of a loving, queer group.

So family (read Jamie) – don’t get too comfortable. Don’t sigh in relief that all this trans nonsense is over. It has only just begun.

I will not have my experience as a human queer be defined by pain. I will enjoy all the gender games. And one day, I will be brave enough to defy you completely and become Liz 2.0.