jay is gay. theres no question about it. jay is the gayest of the gay, so gay that he would be considered a big gay if it wasn’t for that miniscule peepee of his. jay is so gay that he becomes the big gay, despite having a tiny peepee, and denies that he is gay, although he is so obviously gay. when you talk to jay he says he isn’t gay but everyone knows that jay is gay every day. when jay talks to people he is so gay, that people start calling him gey. his geyness spreads everywhere, so that when jay talks to other gay he becomes the beeg gey because he make the other gay gey. but the true gay of the jay is not in any ordinary achievement of gay but the omegagay, which only jay has access to because jay is so gay that he omegagays all the other gays and makes them beeg gay. the only thing jay cannot gay is the omegagey because jay is peepee too small to be omegagey but when jay sees the word gay his peepee goes hard and then jay becomes the omegagey and then everyone gays down to the jay