As a man, I am beyond being abel to care for something that trivial.

Cleary you must be a women to feel the need for a day to praise your chromosomes.

Men never had the need for such a day, we always did what we had to. A man does not ask for praise, for recognition, etc. , all he wants is to come home after 10h of working at an office, a mine, a factory or what ever hard job. Then sit down with his family at the dinnertabel and go to bed, knowing that it is the fruit of his labor they enjoy and he makes it possible.

The great portion of men that ever lived their life on this blue earth did this. Hundreds of centuries. They got burned out empty inside, divorced and steped on. Never once asking for a day of praise.

But women asked for such a day and the whole world must know it.

Not to offend anyone, just thinking those days are stupid and no one should take them to serious.