Ima goofy witch. I love casting spells, reading, using my spirituality to bring laughter and entertainment to ppl. I love who I am. I love the person I have grown into. For awhile I was ashamed to speak on my spiritual studies but I’ve come to realize that I can never please everyone. I’m living my life happy, free, and I can say that I’ve never been happier with life. No I am not evil. No I do not worship the “devil”. I worship god. My god is myself, my perception of good is the highest frequency of all that exists. No I do not have a religion but I do worship Jesus, my perception of Jesus is not the man from the Bible but the sun we wake up to everyday. I respect everyone’s spiritual beliefs and studies because at the end of the day it’s all just perception. We all have the same goal . My perception lies within kemetic studies , and metaphysical enhancement. And I am proud of who i and and what I stand for and if you don’t like that you can suck a dick! Love you guys !
