Get it? Cause Asians do math and eat the dogs? Funny and original I’m lmaoing out loud rn 😂😂😂. It’s also hilarious because of the original image taken from a game known as “Skyrim” that say “Ching Chong 100” 🤣which is funny as Asians say Ching Chong 😎. It’s also funny because he uses the 🅱️ emoji to replace the Gs in his first sentence, which is funny because it’s a popular epic le internet FUNNY trend xDdddd. The last funny thing I see is how the whole thing is what is known as “deep fried,” which makes everything at least 10 times funnier, because that’s how deep frying works! I hope everyone gets this hilarious joke now, and the original maker of the meme must be a comedian!