We 👫live in👆 a 👌society👯


My 😐👈 brains💭 just took a shit 🙇💩🚽

If i was a giww👩🏻, i wouwd get pwegnyant🤰 as many times as possibwe, then have abowtions💊💀👶 aftew the thiwd month of being pwegnyant🤰 so i wouwd dewivew a potato🥔 sized 1/3 devewoped dead fetus👶, then i wouwd take the fetus👶, put it in a jaw🏺 of pweswvative wiquid🥒💦 and put it on a shewf in a secwet woom🏠👶 in my house🏠, and i wouwd do it untiw i had so many that the wooms🏠👶 wawws wewe nyothing but potato🥔 sized abowted fetuses👶👶👶, then i wouwd have a kid🧒🏿🧒🏽🧒🏻 and when they’we bad🍆👌💦 i wouwd make them sit in the fetus👶 woom🏠👶

😇✨God✨😇 is👆dead☠️and➕we 🤔🤔🤔 killed🤯💥🔫him 👻

