A comparison of the value of awards and the materials in reallife

Materials in kg in real world
Silver: $565.21

Gold: $55,236.51

Platinum: $27,154.71

Argentium: (can’t find it’s actual cost in weight, is an alloy)
—Silver: $565.21 x 92.5% = $522.86

—Germanium: $1600 x 7.5% = $120

—Total: $672.86

Reddit Awards: (If $1 = 400 reddit coins, from largest pack)

Silver: 100 coins = $0.25

Gold: 500 coins = $1.25

Platinum: 1800 coins = $4.50

Argentium: 20000 coins = $50

(Converted from kilogram to gram)

Silver: $0.25 / 565.21 = 0.442 g

Gold: $1.25 / 55236.51 = 0.0226 g

Platinum: $4.5 / 27154.71 = 0.1657 g

Argentium: $50 / 672.86 = 77.777 g

How much does a kg of material buys you the awards:

Silver: 565.21 / 0.25 = 2260 awards

Gold: 55236.51 / 1.25 = 44189 awards

Platinum: 27154.71 / 4.5 = 6034 awards

Argentium: 672.86 / 50 = 13 awards