Gentlemen, I am afraid we have entered Penis Time, activated by Penis Man. The rules of Penis Time are simple: you mustn’t anger the Penis Spirit. How does one not anger the Penis Spirit, you may ask? You must avoid the Penis Spirit at all costs. Failing to avoid the Penis Spirit will lead to a failed Penis Time and a victory for the Penis Man. How does one win Penis Time? Winning Penis Time is very simple. You cannot win Penis Time if you are not the Penis Man. The Penis Man must lead the hostages of Penis Time to anger the Penis Spirit to win Penis Time. How does one escape Penis Time, you may ask? Escaping Penis Time is very simple. You cannot escape Penis Time. The only way to break out of Penis Time is either by losing by angering the Penis Spirit or by reaching a Stalemate, in which the Penis Man refuses to cancel Penis Time but you refuse to follow the rules of Penis Time.