title. I was just scrolling through the 256 GB of porn on my 3-inch (totally not the length of my pp btw >:)) Samsung ChromeBook Pro\[TM\] when I just fucking coomed. I wasn’t trying to or anything, just fucking coomed. Seriously, i was just minding my own business, sitting on my chair, viewing some innocent videos (haha just kidding, it was totally porn) when I just fucking coomed. No warning, no erection or anything, just fucking coomed. I really wasn’t trying to or anything, it just fucking happened, and I just fucking coomed. I couldn’t stop cooming I couldn’t even breathe, I couldn’t even control my fucking hands, I just fucking coomed. Coom just kept filling up the room I was in, I drowned to death, and I just couldn’t fucking stop cooming, I tried my best, but I still just fucking coomed. AITA?????