I know who spy is he was a original player he played from the beginning ever sins he sore the trailer he was instle hockt on it he would paly for owers on end but the one class he played
The most was the spy he would constly tock about it over and over argen then we dident see him agen but we went to his funeral he died on the 10th of October 2014 he died of over exsorsen one day i looked on his acont and his stream picher was of the spy but his suit was all terd up and some boons were showing and ther was dried blood on his suit and hafe his face was missing like he got a shot to the head i cheat the rest of his pag and when i whent back to his strem picher it cang to the spy with a demonic smile i fect out and i ran oway from the computer scereming and every single time i play tf2 on October i see him the only way to stop it is if you kill him in game but when its October what ever you do do not kill him on October 10th because some thing very bad happens plese dont end up like me killing him on the 10th but what ever you do dont play tf2 on October 30th thats when hes the most powerful so dont end up like me stuck looking like him it the only way to stop it