You know, back around 2010 or so, I used to think 4Chan was funny. Just a bunch of offensive humor, no filter, etc. Little did I know that some of them were serious, that they’d help incite a new white supremacist movement in the US, welcome fascism with open arms, and shit on absolutely every tenet of what it means to be American.
It’s not shocking, little is these days, but it’s sad, really fucking sad. A collection of atheist internet trolls who support a celebrity bigot for the lulz, despite the fact that by doing so they’re welcoming Christian Sharia law which will eliminate their net neutrality, their freedom of speech, and go on to ban and outlaw the tentacle porn they all seem to love.
I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen a collection of people so consumed by self hate that they literally fought to be legislated into “normalcy”.