Oh you fucking leftist cuck, always pandering to the SJWs and the mosleems and hindus im so fucking annoyed. Always coming up to me saying REEEEEEE dont hurt my feelings pal 😩😩😤😤 oh fuck off, then when an actual contributor to society (like me!!l) decides to put you little zoomer mellenials in your place, I get hate messages in my inbox, IM SO FUCKING TIRED of SOCIETY, WE LIVE IN A FUCKING SOCIETY. Im tired, im tired of being called a neckbeard retard gamer incel scat fetisher ohhh ohhh dumb fucking whales 😩😩😩😩 when will society accept us???? Go on you little 3 iq kiddies, downvote me, show me what your epic wholesome society does to a real man, maybe even place me in those r/insanepeople , share my word on how we live in a dystopian sociey, where destiny ghost porn doesnt even fucking exist.