Uwu h-h-hi. I’m pwemium fuwsuitew thomas edison and i w-want you to wisten to me tawk about jews fow jesus and maybe have a bwew fow jesus uwu. So wet’s tawk about ouw kinks owo. I wike human twafficking, my wittwe pony, 9 yeaw owd chiwdwen, duct tape, and watex a-awni. I wuv putting on my watex bodysuit and crinkling awound and jumping into the hotew poow thinking about ben shapiwo with mitt romney’s face uwu. I like to think about the cup in my fuwsuit where my ewection goes when i put it on. OwO. As a modewn chwistian that’s all i wike to think about mitt shapiwo gwaphing my nippwe with his hawf-centimetwe cuwly fry cock in an ihop kitchen whiwe scwatching off scwatch off wottewy tickets. I’m excited to see youw anime schoowgiww cospway at that coffeehouse owo (👏 do 👏 not 👏 @ 👏 me 👏) kim iw sung is my daddy. Tanks fow wistening to my wittwe speech uwu bye bye senpai.