I hate Demogorgon.

I swear to God if I see yet another DEMO GOOD BOI XDDDD post I will break my fucking computer. Never in my life have I seen such a cringy, overused and stale meme. Not even the baby dweet or boop the snoot memes are as cringy and annoying as DEMOBOI IS DOGGO REDDIT 100 WHOLESOME EVERYONE LIKED THAT. Last week I got fired from my job for scratching a coworker’s car with my keys after I overheard them say they main Demogorgon in DBD. My wife left me after I slapped her and called her a sweaty survivor main while we were having sex. I haven’t ate anything in three days and I smell like the ass of a truck driver on a hot summer day. I just keep thinking about this subreddit and its obsession with fucking DEMOGORGON. Stranger Things sucks, Demo sucks, Nancy and Steve suck and I shit on every streamer that uses DemoPls as one of their emotes. Demogorgon is a waste of a killer slot and deserves to be nerfed into the ground just for existing. Demogorgon is not a “good boi” or a “good doggo” (yikes reddit). It’s a fucking monster with a spiked vagina for a head that tries to kill two teens with bitchass perks and outfits. Can we talk about Steves for a second? They’re the scum of humanity. The world would be a better place without them. And the fucking scoops ahoy outfit can die in a fire. CLICK CLICK CLIXK FUNNY SCOOPS AHOY SPIN TBAG CLICK CLIKC CLICK SO FUNNY XDD shut the fuck up you literal waste of air. I will come to your house and shit on your keyboard if you dare to type anything resembling Demogorgon or Stranger Things praise. I main Bubba and while I don’t usually camp I will never miss an opportunity to facecamp a Steve. I’m not letting those fuckers have fun. I don’t care if you have DS, BT, UB or whatever the fuck else. I will tunnel and facecamp you like the shit-eating monkey you are. Yeah I’m mad but I’m so fucking tired of this dumb fucking dlc and dumb fucking meme. Mods please ban Demo posts I beg you.