Number represents user.

1: This is such a realist depiction of our society from an art point of view. I mean it’s so raw. Unfiltered. It almost gives me a headache to look at. It’s everything all at once, never ending, nonstop. You can’t look at it all at the same time, and you can’t focus on one single thing for very long. It is created by the mass, and the anonymous, and by everyone and also by no one. It is a modern artistic depiction of the world we live in.

2: Lol what the fuck are you saying its literally just logos flags and video game pixel art. That’s all. Calm the fuck down. Your social studies degree isn’t required when you’re handing out fries

1: I’m actually a literature teacher. But thanks for the unnecessary gate keeping. How about you go get ready for third period recess.

2: [“Literature Teacher”](

1: Haha quite the basic bitch you are eh, and by that I mean your very basic understanding of how things work. Jokes on you though, because those people are your teachers.

2: Okay friendo you teach grade 4 English I’m sure you’re a literary genius! Seriously though reading your comments make me hope my kids don’t get a pretentious retard like yourself teaching them that a bunch of autists bot spamming logos and flags is a “beautiful representation of our modern society”. 😂
Honestly though, what society? Western society? American society? First world society? What the fuck are you even saying? You try too hard man. Reading your shit is like watching someone who doesn’t really know how to do contemporary interpretive dance and is winging it. Like by default the dance is stupid and makes no sense, but to the untrained eye, (like 14 yr old Redditors) it looks eloquent and unique.

1: Man, at least I came on here to contribute to the conversation. You came on here to bitch at me. You can cut down whatever I say, that’s the easy part. But you don’t lend any of your own interpretation to the conversation. Why? Because you don’t know shit, and pretending like you’re holier than thou just makes you look pathetic. Get off your pedestal you lonely arrogant loser. You’re exactly like the dumbasses i teach that go nowhere in life. No imagination, no ambition, no positivity. You just rag on everyone else because that’s all you can amount to. You slack fuck, you’re a loser now and you’ll still be a loser on the day you die.

2: Wow you seem like a great teacher! Teaching grade 2 and you’re already deciding who’s a low life? Man, you really seem angry. Angry little teacher. Are you a teacher in the states? That would explain your anger. I wouldn’t call being a grade 2 teacher a “someone in life”. Like, yeah, you’re someone, someone who should have not gone to community college. Or what’s this? You having a classroom filled with a bunch of low life degenerates? You teaching in Detroit? Also what’s this about being hollier than thou? All I said was you sound like a pretentious retard. Now given how angry and sad you are i can tell I was spot on. Sorry I hurt your feelings. Perhaps you can get consoled from one of your degenerate students?

1: Haha god it’s just so obvious how much you hate yourself eh. You’re probably 14/15 right? Think you understand the world around you. Think your opinions are the real truth. Your future is written in everything that you write. And you probably think you’re so complicated and unique. I can read you like a children’s 5 page book. You’re a nothing. And I wish anything I could say would change that, but frankly you’re just one of the students that needs to fill the ranks at Mcdonalds. It’s a hard truth but you need to swallow it quickly. You are not a creator, you are a destroyer. Someone that puts down everyone around themselves until they form a hole where there’s only room for you. You lonely, sad fucking pit of pathetic. You will never be anything in this life. You will get up every day wanting to change yourself and be better today. But you’ll never escape who you are. A nobody. So enjoy your life, enjoy putting people down, enjoy never amounting to anything. At least I’m doing something with my life, no matter how small you think that is. If doing this kind of shit online is what gets you to sleep at night, then go ahead. But never forget that you will live this life alone, depressed, and believing you are something more than you are. But it’s just the opposite. You’re a zero.

2: Man I wish I was a creator like you, to be able to effectively weave a crazy artistic thought such as “these botted logos and flags are truly a representation of le modern society”. Seriously. I strive to one day be able to elicit such a deep and profound knowledge of the arts such as yourself. I hope to one day teach the youth about the intricate depth of spammy internet pixel generators and how they are a reflection of le modern society.
Seriously though all jokes aside you sound so mad and hurt, it’s just dissappointing. How can you be a good teacher with all this resentment, man? These less fortunate Detroit kids need you, bro. You should be out there showing them the light. Ever seen “Stand by Me”? Good movie. You should check it out. Anyways, I’ll leave you and your angry life and your 22k a year salary.
And what’s this about a children’s book? You read too many of those a day man. You should try some real literature. Such as the modern classic “How the Online Pixel Drawing Webpage Got Ruined By Script Kiddies and Bots”. It’s actually about this online community that actually like this super deep reflection of our society, man. The society immitates itself through the corporate logos and countries’ flags, man! Far out. #Deep stuff.

1: Please, take your time and craft another “inspired” argument that makes no points at all besides “le my opinion is better than yours” fucking brainless autistic fuck.

Also 1: It’s like you’re not a real person. Just this ball of negativity that can only put down people around you. I’ve been up and down your Reddit history. You’re a cancer of a person. You have no original thoughts. You just regurgitate the shitty negative opinions that have shaped your personality. Your teenage angst is painted onto your every word so obviously. And I love how any form of opinion that differs from yours is a threat to you. We have a word for that, it’s called a bigot. Your anti-intellectual stance on everything you comment on is a reflection of your own personality, anti-intellectual. You have brought nothing to the conversation except for your nothingness, your lack of personality, your arrogant ignorance. Why do you even care this much? It’s my own opinion. Do you really think i’ll change my stance? Do you even care to change my opinion? What are you even doing?

2: Holy shit man you’ve gotten so hurt you’re posting two comments for the price of one! Don’t you have coloring crayon pictures to grade or something? I mean I was just out here having fun but now you’re​ bordering into the weird “I can’t let go of this territory”. Seriously broski this is getting kind of boring, let’s move on sweetheart, it’s not good for your health to worry about this too much. Your doctor warned you

1: Running out of that pathetically small vocabulary you possess eh? At the end of the day, you reek of loneliness. When you get a girlfriend one day you may grow out of this phase of being a pathetic loser who is going nowhere fast. Your parents may even show you some kind of affection one day, instead of telling their friends what a failure you are. But let’s be honest, no girl is going to touch your disgusting self. You are not even worth the air you breath. Just go die already. I’m sure the only person who notices will be the poor guy who has the bury your weak self.

2: [here’s a pic of my cat and I](
I have this strange intuition that I’m about thirteen times better looking than you. I love when Redditors run out of shit so they say dumb stuff like “good luck with ur ugly face” and then they get surprised because I’m significantly more attractive then they are. The best part is the feeling of not only anger but also confusion that they get. They’re always like why is this super attractive dude bugging me online? I dunno man. But I find it fun. I mean you repeated the word loser thirteen times while simultaneously criticizing my lack of variety in word choice or distribution or whatever. I think that’s kind of ironic. Like a duality , you know? A literature teacher repeating the words “lonely” and “loser” over and over again. Reminds me of Full Metal Jacket. Remember the whole thing on duality or whatever? That’s a good movie. You should check it it if you haven’t already.

1: HAHAHA firstly the fact that you actually said “I’m about thirteen times better looking than you” means you’re either a narcissistic asshole or your actually a delusional 13 year old with a fake picture. If you actually need to tell people that you’re attractive then that’s more pathetic then anything you’ve done so far. “Le your argument is wrong because I have an average body and a beard”. Good for you, you prepubescent moron. My confusion only comes from your constant need to validate yourself. Which comes out of a childhood where I hope you got beaten, or the tiny little penis you probably have, sweetheart. Just sad.

Also 1: Did you come back and edit this to sound even more pretentious. Get a life.
And what is with this “you’re a literature teacher so you’re not allowed to repeat words”. Are you simple? What the fuck does that even mean? Let me get my thesaurus out and get up to your standard. But I’m old so maybe I’ll have a Myocardial Infarction first. You fucking doughnut.

2: Wow you are quick, wanna dm me on insta instead? Also once again I really appreciate the duality of your comment, both attacking my personal looks and subsequently accusing me of using a fake picture. Which one is it? I think the latter is very flattering. Implying I would use someone elses picture implies that it is in fact a nice picture. Thanks man. I appreciate that. You didn’t seem too nice at first, but I’m starting to get it. Underneath your heaving insecurities and inability to communicate under emotional stress, your insults are actually compliments.
If you liked my first photo, here’s [my friend’s dog and I]( His name is Chubby. This pic is about a month old so you can imagine how much bigger the pup has gotten! Funny name, Chubby. Not a fan of it tbh. But it’s a cute lil husky. Fluffy fella. Anyways thanks for the ego boost tonight, I appreciate the compliment hidden in the insult. I try to see the positive in the world, you know? Life can be complicated. I read a book once, entitled “Literature Teacher Who Only Knows the Words ‘Loser’ and ‘Lonely'”, and it taught me a lot about how people shouldn’t be taken for face value. Anyways, good night man, have a good one

1: I can’t get over what an autistic fuck you must be to believe that showing a picture of yourself is actually going to win you an argument. I’m just beside myself with how you actually have made it through life this far. You try to see the positive in the world? Fuck you man. The comments you leave are a cancer on this site. You try to see positives by putting everyone down around you. You’re a bully, and a loser, and a nobody. And you will never become anything in your life. You’ve most likely been handed anything of value straight to you, and never had to work for anything in your life. You’re a fucking smudge on this planet that will be wiped away without a second thought. I can only imagine that the people around you just deal with you. This all started because you’re a bigot and couldn’t stand someone looking at a piece of art like it was a piece of art. You are brainless. And incapable of being anything more than a zero. And I still can’t get over that you are retarded enough to post a picture of yourself online and then boast about it like it gives you some kind of justification. You’re so simple. After finding out who you are I hope you’re ready for some fun shit to be sent to your friends and family.

2: hey lit teacher, you’re not supposed to start sentences with “And”. You did that like four times now friend. Think of the Korean children. They need to properly learn English to effectively take your American job. You’re supposed to earn your seven dollars an hour.

1: Didn’t do much digging or you would have figured out I’m not American, dumbass. But as usual, the most autistic ones on Reddit always end up attacking the grammar instead of the argument. Guess I won this round you big pit of self esteem issues.

2: I didn’t realize there was rounds? Are we trying to win something here? Do I get a free trip to Korea? All I have to do is teach grade 1 level English as a second language? Hey, count me in. Sorry I figured you were American because why else would a person leave their home country to go teach overseas? Where you from that the salary is that bad? I don’t feel like looking. Besides, I hear Korea has really solid internet. Is it true every one there is good at StarCraft? Is it true that if youre bad at StarCraft you are a social reject? All questions that I have. Do you need an undergraduate degree to repeat the words “pathetic”, “loser” and “autistic”? Conversely, is this the type of literature you teach to first grade Koreans? Do you get your study plans from 4chan? Do Koreans browse 4chan? Don’t answer that one. I like to keep some stuff a surprise.

1: I love this defence, ask a bunch of useless questions in hopes I will give up the argument. Or are you so autistic that you are trying to be friends with me now? I’m not looking for a high schooler to be friends with, bud.

2: Seriously though what argument? Read this entire conversation and realize there was never an argument, I cashed you a try hard lit teacher who pretends to have this deep insight on medium and you proceeded to work the word loser and also claim that you’ll “wow me of the face of this earth when you find out who I am”. And you’re Canning me autistic? I’m just here to crack jokes meanwhile I probably ruined your day you say predictable little bitch
Is like to see a picture of you, I have this eyes feeling you’re a really ugly weeb for some reason

1: It’s nice to know that messaging me is the first thing you do when you wake up.

2: Buddy you’re way too quick for me, you should go back to your professional Reddit comments, dat Korea minimum wage money is running out, your fulfilling career as an unemployed writer takes dedication

1: Whoop you got me. Zing.