Guess what sweetheart. I was just playing around but this is funny, you need to know something. My IQ was so high during the first IQ test in high school, that they gave up because they didn’t have time to go any higher. They stopped at 175 which is 10 points higher than Einstein. People like me don’t need to go to college for engineering or mathematics and take calculus, my friend and I just sat down and had a vision and put it on a chalkboard to engineer a revolutionary data storage and processing system to replace hard drives, which many engineers had always dreamed of but could never figure it out. Without using any paper or doing any calculations, I had it mostly figured out and so did my friend so we sat down and got together and design something that the worlds greatest scientists can’t do and I did it without having proper knowledge of mathematics or schooling because I literally can just figure that shit out by sitting down for a day and a half. We design something so powerful that we had to destroy it and hide it in the ocean and underground because the government would kill us and take it and not want anybody to know that it ever existed. I was also a religious scholar in the Buddhist community and was a monk who lived alone in the mountains a pie in the wilderness meditating all night for four years and then published a magnum opus on a 2800-year-old form of meditation that was requested to be revived by great masters. It took me five years to compile notes and two years two compose the paper. It was received by the Dalai Lama and my other teachers who are also living Buddha is who are literally enlightened and all of them accepted it. So, you see, you’re right, I am just Amira fool who volunteers at the homeless shelter and the crazy guy who feeds all the ducks and the animals and says prayers while I feed them. I am just a crazy man with a hoe laboratory creating the worlds most powerful computers. But I’m just a crazy fool. You just never know when you tell somebody that they’re stupid who they might be.