The Lord is good. He has warned me there is an attack being organized against me. And, this serves as legal notice:

I know of two of you by name and will find the rest of you who are involved. And, the Lord will raise up a defense and you will hit a steel wall.

I have seen my angelic Guard do some truly horrific things to protect me over the years so I really want to warn you….

Don’t come this way. Just let it go. It is best.

I cannot say too much here but trust me when I tell you….
my angels have done some incredible things to dozens of people who meant me harm. Straight up Elisha/Elijah stuff.

If you want to find out what they are capable of then keep moving forward with your attack. But, make sure your affairs are in order for your family or you will join the fates of those who came before you.

The Lord sent me via physical angelic visitation of a mighty host made of pure white light, whose presence was too intense to even stand in.


i am not alone.

Stay back and flourish
or, keep coming and ….well….
you will sadly see.

And, remember:
Satan is the accuser of the brethren.
I can smell the false accusations brewing in your minds and mouths. Yes, I know what you are up to. You do the devil’s work, thinking you do something good. Those with me will treat you like Satan, make no mistake. Amen.

I, and those close to me, are sealed, safe, and protected. No attempt will succeed.


Spiritual law had been obeyed.

So, proceed wisely.

Our defenses stand ready in the Spirit.