Sorry, the only 12 year old virgin masturbating to furry porn here is you. I’m having a good life, I’m not sure what you’re having down in your mom’s basement. Lol! I bet you’ve never tasted pussy other than your mother’s before. Ha, I say “before” as if there’s any hope that you are just yet to taste it, when really you have no hope of ever getting a taste. You’re sad, and you need to stop being blind to the glory of Trump’s America, the greatest country in the world.

See, I pray to the one true Lord, Trump, seven times a day, and because of the great economy he’s created I am able to follow all of my dreams and when I’m tired I can look back and see the much more beautiful world that is left in his wake. I dread the day he loses his presidency title, I really do. I only hope that in the future, when his presidency is revoked, someone aspires to do as he did, making America great.

Oh yeah, and you meant to say “*you’re** a virgin” but since you’re such an illiterate basement dweller you overlooked it like the silly fool you are.