Paramedics are scum, representing all the problems of modern society.
Paramedics, cause a kind of hierarchy in the country, a hierarchy that throws the opinions of the little person, the tax payer in the trash.
Paramedics are just disgusting creatures, thinking they have a right over ours just because they have a dumb siren on their ambulance (which is funded by us, the taxpayers) they can bypass any traffic jam, as if we, the citizens of this country are just ants who deserve to keep in line like cows in a slaughterhouse.  Paramedics are scum, who commit traffic offenses in the disguise of “helping the community.”
A real help to the community would be to stay in traffic like everyone else, instead of bypassing us all.
paramedics are the worst thing that has been normalized by the world, and should be brought to justice.
if any other citizen were to commit an eighth of what thousands of offenses ambulances commit in a daily basis, they will lose their drivers license, drown in debt from fines and may even get locked up in prison.
paramedics are evil, wake up sheeple!