Woof! Yesterday I was having intercourse with my boyfriend (I’m also male) when the neighbor across the street passed along with his friends and they started making fun of us as gay dogs. The truth is that it is already difficult to be a dog in Mexico, as well as having to deal with teasing because of my sexual preference that does not make me any more or less than other dogs. The point is that the mockery of the heterosexual human fucking got the worst out of me and I went for the bite. It’s funny that his friends were more fucking gay than me as they ran and left their friend alone. The truth is that I did not bit him so hard I just gave him a few nibbles on his thigh, I’m not surprised that I did not have trouble reaching him with those little chicken legs, but I did ripped his jacket. I made him a favor because he was fine. Then the noisy neighbors was watching, he was onlooking by the window and saw when I attacked another jokester that does not respect the doggy LGBT community. I post this because I’m worried, about the fucking heterosexual human, what if he calls the animal control and makes them take me or my partner. What can I do as a dog to protect myself?