In your opinion? I’ll have you informed opinion is subjective. Based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. It’s not real or significant, nor will it ever be. Your opinion is irrelevant. You’re only allowed to express it because **I WANT** an active server and your dry ass lips are physically incapable of spouting factual information. It nauseates, disheartens me, that the restless advertising and listing I and several others have put into this server attracts organisms like you who sullies every member in this now shitty server with the opinion you thought mattered so much. This server would irrefutably be significantly, invariably better in your absence. Yeah, you can express your shitty opinions. Just know it’s just another number, another metric, a mere statistic, that attracts others to this server who I can unfortunately only hope aren’t as abominable as you.