Welcome to my profile.

First off, I strongly recommend following my account because otherwise you might miss out on the high-quality intellectually enlightened thought-provoking content that I bring upon this godforsaken website. I was graduated from Harvard in 2014 and I have an IQ of 138 (on the Stanford-Binet scale).

Feel free to leave a comment, but beware; not only will your comment likely be removed for your lack of Redditorial prowess, but you will also be down-voted and reported to [reddit.com](https://reddit.com). I will go through your account and down-vote everything. I don’t think that will be quite enough to teach you to respect others, but at least it’s a starting point.

You will only be humiliating yourself for trying (and failing) to debate me. But of course you will, that’s all you Redditors ever do. Be another faceless pawn in the checkers game that is life! Guess what’s going to come of this? Nothing. Because all you do is complain on this website. A bunch of whiners who have such fragile enough egos that another’s intelligence threatens you. I guess the fragile always need a target to release their frustrations.

So all it comes down to is the fragility of your ego and discrimination against me. I hope it at least makes you happy, although I doubt it will, because from experience your bunch will find reason to complain about absolutely anything. Try to gaslight me; I’m ready.



P:S. If you are a female, my DMs are open.

P.P.S. To all my lady fans who are trying to contact me,

I reply to comments within 24 hours, but I don’t answer chat requests in the evening or on the weekends, between Thursday afternoon and Monday morning, but I’ll respond to a chat request sent past 5pm on Thursday by 5pm on Monday, since that would be 24 hours during the designated time.

This week I was unwilling on Monday, so I would not have had to answer any messages from Thursday at 5pm until Tuesday at 5pm. Unfortunate, but sometimes the times shake out that way.

However, as long as I’m not gaming that weekend, or I see an urgent message come through, I’ll reply to a message even on the weekend. I just don’t guarantee things I’m not 100% sure I’ll do. It’s always better to pleasantly surprise someone who isn’t expecting something than to disappoint someone by not meeting a promise, even if both are delivering the same result.

If I tell you I don’t respond to messages on the weekend but I respond on Sunday night at 7pm, you’re more likely to be happy with that than somebody who tells you they will email you by Friday at noon and they take until Sunday at 6pm to do it. Unexpected surprise is better than the disappointment of not fulfilling an expectation.

P.P.P.S. If you have a koala costume avatar, don’t even bother.