So I can ask you whatevs? Cool, that’s awesome!! I could ask anything. Absolutely anything. No limits, restrictions, rules, bans, or suggestions. No frame. Absolutely free of any chains!! I’m as free as a fish in the sea. I could ask you about absolutely any real, conceptual, relative, quantic, quantitative or impossible topic, you’d have to work it out. For example…
Uhh… wait. For example, I could ask about… What could I ask about? Hmm. This is tough. So tough even The Rock couldn’t beat it. So unbeatable even MJ’s “Beat It” choreography couldn’t cuss it away. So uncussable even Eminem couldn’t correct it. So uncorrectable even Agent Smith from the MAtrix couldn’t fix it. So unfixable even Bob the Builder couldn’t do it. So undoable even Shia Labeouf couldn’t seize it. So unseizable even Karl Marx couldn’t part it. So unpartable even Moses couldn’t divide it. So undividable even Einstein couldn’t calculate it. So uncalculable even Stephen Hawking couldn’t think it. So unthinkable, even John Lennon couldn’t dream it. So undreamable, even Sleeping Beauty couldn’t conjure it. So unconjurable even The Conjuring couldn’t cast it. So uncastable, even the world’s top fisher couldn’t fish it. So unfisheable, even the the Jaws cast couldn’t fight it. So unfightable, even Rocky couldn’t horror it. So unhorror-able, even Pennywise couldn’t scare it. So unscareable, even the the biggest blender couldn’t stir it. So unstireable, even Saitama couldn’t move it. So unmoveable, even Reel 2 Real couldn’t compose it. So uncomposeable, we had to ask (your name here) to write about writer’s block.