To be honest I’m frustrated with all the bigotry online. And I’m not talking about the “You filthy racist” or the “SJW feminazi” stuff you see all the time. I’m talking about the fact that I literally have to defend the guy with the most dissenting opinion on my post, simply because everyone hates him for his difference of opinion. Our culture is supposed to the most diverse, the most accepting it’s ever been. But even here, where people still believe the Subreddit shouldn’t really have ANY funny memes at all, get shouted down in fury and hate from the mob. These are memes. Why all the bickering? I have my opinions and have heard yours. I do not need to hear them again. Diversity of opinion is what made my country (the U.S.) great. But it seems that if you don’t think the right things, you must be stupid or uneducated. So when I come to a Subreddit for what is essentially corporate meme cringe, it annoys me to see something useful, to see something funny. And the worst part is that feeling that way is somehow wrong.
