Guys its funny because fortnite is toxic and cringy, while us NORMAL people will literally send death threats to a child for having a different opinion then we do. My mom always told me to follow my dreams, and my dreams were to bash small children for liking things targeted towards them. My parents now say I need to “move out” and “get a job” but as long as I have the precious knowledge of knowing I am superior to kids everywhere because I play a block game that I bashed a year ago, instead of a cartoon shooting game, lets me know that I truly am successful. Instead of doing stupid dances, they should do what I did when I was their age, which was to sing Minecraft parodies at the top of my lungs in public, as then they would be publicly applauded by dank memers everywhere, instead of being cringy. In order to achieve this, we must eradicate fortnite entirely, and then my insatiable urge to make fun of children for acting like children will finally be satisfied. Remember to upvote, because in order to achieve my hopes and dreams, I need the number next to my username to be higher then everyone elses! One time, I raided the fortnite subreddit, and got banned immediatly, because the mods are cringe normies who can’t handle my true dankness. In order to purge this cancer, I have set up a series of times and dates to raid the fortnite subreddit, which is r/Fortnite, I’ve never actually played the game so I don’t know if its actually the correct subreddit, but its probably full of cringe normies who need to be impaled and burned for their opinions, so it doesn’t matter. Remember to comment “FORTNITE BAD, MINECRAFT GOOD” on every post you see, so the message will be spread to everyone!