What kind of sociopath…would think that all people from the US are *obese* huh? In fact I don’t think I’ve met a single obese person in this beautiful country. I’m 6 ft 7 in and 74 pounds and have been since **high school**. Ever since I could walk I would *refuse* to eat more than two meals a day… and I still do. My pathetic doctor prescribed me donuts and ice cream because I’m so skinny but what am I? *A British wimp*? HELL NAH! I slapped that doctor and punched him in the balls, I ain’t eaten’ no donuts and ice cream. My body is a temple… reserved for skin, bones, and God! No fatty, sugary, acidic food will ever **penetrate** any of my sphincters at any time! My parents would cry at the dinner table when I wouldn’t show up for the *9th* time in the week (they cried like those weak sauce *British* people when they’re favorite tea shop is closed). It got so bad that my *miserable* parents began force feeding me breadsticks while tied down to the couch after the cashier wouldn’t stop looking at my calves. My roommate in college *refused* to talk to me because I constantly said no to going out to get a beer! So how DARE you ever say that Americans are fat, greasy, and stupid you disgusting being of European decent! I bet you drink fit teas you putrid incestuous animal. Get good.