My Boyfriend cries everytime I give him head

Alt account for obvious reasons, I might post this on another sub if this is the wrong sub,

Every time I (F,19) give my boyfriend (M,18) a blowjob he breaks down into tears. The first time it happened I stopped immediately and asked him what was wrong. He said it felt so good that it was too overwhelming for his emotions so I stopped. The second time I gave him one a month later or so he started crying again and I once again asked him why he was sad, to which he said it just felt so good that it made him have a flurry of emotions all at once. I gave him a blowjob a few hours ago and he started crying again and then said the exact same thing, that it felt too good. I feel bad and a bit worried for him because I don’t understand why he’d be having such a strong emotional reaction every time. Idk if I should take this as a compliment or be worried 😭