The Jesuit Order with their bloodthirsty partners in global crime containing the Bauer-Rothchild LondonCity Round Table (12 elitist families) plus their bloodline politico dogs in both the British-Euro-Parliamentary scourge- and the Harnessed FEDBANKSTER-WASH-D.C. BRANCH OF THEIR NINTH CIRCLE Babylonian cult a evil betrayed malevolent, temple syatem, has put together with its oil cartel members, from Royal Dutch Shell to Quatar- To Saudi insanity, these intertwined Powers (a few insideous vipers) put hundreds of billions of billii 2nd into now TRILLIONS of dollars that they fraudulently enroll the worlds dumbed down TAX SLAVES into all manner of BRAIN WASHING UTILIZING THEIR MIND DISEASE which is called DARK CABALIST MYSTICISM… The whole matrix of this fabric is run by afew black Jesuit Order Magicians who run the Catholic fronts worldwide and have infiltrated and polluted the worlds populations through all the myriad spines of their various organized war mo getting techniques to use these monotbeistic-religeons to war and monger unrunder as t everywhere, in which case they milk the tax slaves and use the global black markets and their knitted corptocratic-vampire matrix to rape and pillage the whole planet. Basically. The “phophalactic to all that, is an “antidote which contains the secrets to bonding the spark of the human Soul to truth, because we do not prove truth, we see truth through the keeping of our temple and at the center of that temple, a strongly fed soul, kept by a powerful temple keeper, has the power to walk through the spectre of all of that… the “Living Dantes Inferno of the Ages” …and since our souls, those ones that are kept in tact, whom navigate this cosmos, are indestructable… through space and through cosmic time, these vipers pale to fade to become encased in black boxes they’ll never evolve out of for the bastardization of the beauty of our planet and its living energies- the planet and its sun together with the etheric-powers of karma will take care of all of it:-) We just enjoy each piece of m ysterial magic that we can and convene with the souls that fill the sails of the dreams of all the travellers of time and space… who do keep sacred temples:-) Peace be unto you.. be at ease and well, look at Earth from as close as Mars and it becomes a tiny little light in a giant menagerie of endlessness… these vipers that have been corruption this planet for about say 2600years now are sub-species, criminal deflects that have defile their right to keep their souls… one would not wish to be them with all their stolen gold, black money arbitrage machines and blood on their family crests for several millennia now… it isnt like its a secret anymore. And well, so here is a few hundred million souls hacking their systems via the computer Intrnetworked rebellion worldwide. Quite a show. We still get to see the supernatural from within and out through what we see, as celestial souls, these vipers operating as Jesuit-Vatican-Red-DoorFED-Illuminati… are juat a black pinstripe in their own fires of destruction, of their own SOULS… They’re animals- cold blooded, insideous reptiles. Be a to just breathe the Parma:-) They’ve no hold on the ultimate outcome.