you can solve any problem with a gun

irs knocking on your door use a gun

taking to long for you PP to release the pee use a gun

a dog taking a shit on your lawn use a gun

some one trying to rob you use a gun

someone steps on your property use a gun

commie trying to steal your property use a gun

you hate your neighbor use a gun

your dog wont shut up use a gun

a helis flying over your house to annoying use a big gun

your car wont start use a gun

your door wont open use a gun until theirs a hole big enough for you to go through

you see a furry use a gun

someone violates nap use a gun

you see libleft use a gun

gotta deal with rioters use a gun

flat tire simple use a gun

need food use a gun

got in a firefight with police use a gun

Feel sad use a gun