“AITA for throwing away my husband’s things while he was at work?”

Story: I [21/f] have been married to my husband [68/m] for 3 years. He keeps used condoms [XL] that he uses with his various affair partners [10s/f] lying around as trophies. I asked him why he did that and he said he enjoys it and that I’m a dumb bitch and that it’s normal for men [XY] to keep used condoms around. However, it makes me feel jealous and bad so after this morning’s beating [KO], when he went to work, I threw them into the trash. I know that this is really immature. When he came home from work [9-5] he wanted to go jerk off while chewing on the condoms, as always. When he found out they were gone, he semi-decapitated me. I am writing this from the hospital [ICU]. I feel like he overreacted but I know that I was probably being unreasonable as well. AITA?