I love you too babe too bad my penis is too hairy to slick it up and slide it into my own mouth so that my car can drive itself to my work and my hairy penis can fall off of my body and take over my life so that I can sit at home all day and believe that I am as cool as you are Ethan, but too bad I don’t love the air that enters my lungs at a medium to moderate pace but who the fuck cares I’m just a lonely bitch ass prick fork ass dick ass man, you know I just hope that some day I can experience the sweet release from life so that I can rest in my coffin that I built for myself in the womb, yeah I’m a girl bitch fuck you more like the great man that could Ethan Ethan you you are are yeah yeah so so awesome awesome more like I suck my own dick to get down to my bathroom so that I can stick a fork up my urethra and then peen blood into my piping hot shit I just shit into the toilet, But too bad the fishes that swim in my poo are too busy eating my fecal matter to sing me a lullaby so that I sleep in the fiery pits of Hades so that my wife can shut the fuck up please. Just kidding love ya keep up the good videos fuck me fuck you fuck this shitty ass life we live in 🙂