Hark! There is a subject that has been weighing on my mind ever since your most recent proclamation, and I would like to relate it to you. Therefore henceforth beyond this point, I shall regale unto you an account of my most humble confession: There are many things that I have encountered in my many days and nights on this globe of stone we call earth; Things that seem to defy reason, and quite completely elude my ability to find a discernible reason for their appearance insofar as they seem utterly out of place in the larger context of the surrounding body of similar such things in their nature. The common vernacular has a term to describe such phenomena, and I believe (to the extent of my current knowledge) that this term in question is that the thing being described is ‘weird’. This term, I believe rightly and quite properly applies to the proposition that you have presented to me. I say ‘proposition’, but perhaps I should elaborate: The proposition in question has a distinct nature of its own, separate from the qualifying characteristic of weirdness. It its evident to me that the statement that you have related to me in conversation is intended to describe to me specific attributes of yourself. These attributes (as you have thus described them) appear to possess the quality of being relatively unique when compared to the collective pool of attributes that exist in the larger population of human individuals, and the specific people to which those respective attributes apply. The statement of yours that reflects the unique attribute you possess seems to be intended as an implication that you also possess a certain degree of superiority as a result of having that attribute. Such a practice is common amongst the larger population, and I would not under normal circumstances be particularly surprised to see such behavior being exhibited by you, however in this particular instance it seems out of place. The attribute you are using as a means for boastfulness is not an attribute one would typically expect to see being flaunted in this manner. As a result of this apparent contextual discrepancy, I am confused. However, I also see that this matter is ultimately rather trivial. It would be unbecoming for one like myself to be upset by such a manner, and as such I shall choose to not be bothered by this apparent behavioral anomaly. In the end, it is simply casual banter, and such conversation should not be taken so seriously as to cause emotional distress in a rational-minded person. In conclusion to this barrage of rhetoric and descriptive language that I have concocted for your reading pleasure, I will provide a most concise, simple, and admittedly quite visually and phonetically appealing summary that ought to be much easier to understand in the common vernacular. Many people, upon seeing this, would be compelled to refuse to read the text in its entirety due to its quite substantial length. If this describes you, then I will condense this thesis down to the following four words: weird flex, but ok.